The 13th Board Meeting was implemented on the 27th of April in Cluj, as a transnational mobility was made in Romania by some of the Directors, in the framework of a mobility just achieved by the ERASMUS+ partners joined in E+L.o.L. project.
Administrators present in Cluj were:
ZETEA (Secretary)
And Administrators taking part in remote mode (videoconference) were:
PUYJALON (Treasurer)
MARTINS (Director)
MEZINIECE (Director)
MAGDAU (Vice-President)
Guested as members of the LEAGUE
The goal was: to fix sum lumps in the perspective to use its for the financial management of future projects hed by the association (and especially in the case of some partnerships granted by the EU) and to strictly etablish the administrative organigramme of the ACMÉ project whose candidacy has been submitted by us to the French National Agency. Created in 2018 with the objective of becoming a project holder acting in autonomy, ILARGIA League remained in the past as a simple support to teachers and schools involved in some cooperative partnerships but (since COVID crisis was overcame and the EU claiming for an intersectoral approach) time seems to be came to attempt to accomplish the aim to transform in a transnational coordinator.
Erasmus+ Agency just sent us (the 27th of April, which is a total coincidence) a sollicitation to obtain more information about the analysis of our operatonal capabilities the entity is presumed to operate before our application to be transmtitted to examiners. We are asked to identify the ressources and to provide a copy of our staff's employment contract. As a voluntary structure employing no people, it seems all the more relevant to predict the compensation system we intend to apply. As in the past, it will be based on the lump sums defined by the ERASMUS+ program (with regard to the compensation of League members who are required to participate in a KA2 partnership in a tangible way), or even on the actual costs (with respect to the compensation of members of the League performing other onerous duties on behalf of the League).
I Organigramme was detailed but also the indemnities system (to be presented in the next GA and voted as a part of the ordinary financial report).
II Our 6th General Assembly will be implemented in Saint Jean de Luz the 23rd of June in order to renew part of the Administrators Board). President and Vice-president may be reelected for 2 years more.
III The President was mandated to engage the League's responsibility in the future process of conventionment if our KA2 project is accepted, after the ACMÉ candidacy was submitted by him to Erasmus+ French Agency since this action had been authorized by the 5th GA. His ability to act as the executive actor (in the name of the League) in the management of the ACMÉ partnership as international coordinator and main contact person representing the League is recognized by the article 12 interpretated by the 2nd GA (both the Treasurer and the Secretary acting as consultants). Concerning the payments to members of any grants given by the UE to support their management of the future partnerships: articles 19 and 19bis of the Rules (règlement intérieur) shall be applied.
L'initiative NOAH pour une coopération éducative européenne innovante