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mercredi 21 février 2024



Le Conseil d'Adminsitration se réunit en urgence le 22 février 2024 et "en distanciel" grâce à une visioconférence, avant une session plus classique (en format hybride) prévue début mars à Çesme ou en avril à Riga.

L'ordre du jour consiste à :

- adopter officiellement la fiche de présentation de la Ligue ILARGIA (PIF, ci-dessous)

- confirmer les pouvoirs de décision et représentation donnés au Bureau afin de porter une candidature éventuelle à un projet de coopération européen

- autoriser la réflexion sur un projet nouveau proposé par un adhérent Turc ; la réussite de cette initiative aurait pour heureuse conséquence la certification de notre association, qui n'a pas réussi à faire reconnaître ses capacités organisationnelles quand elle a présenté un projet de KA 220 à  250 000 € et dont le partenariat simplifié rédigé l'an passé n'a pas été sélectionné, même si cette fois la candidature a été examinée et évaluée.

The Board of Directors meets on February, 22 "remotely" thanks to a videoconference, before a more traditional session (in hybrid format) planned for early March in Çesme or April in Riga.

The agenda consists of:

- effectively adopting the presentation sheet of the ILARGIA League (PIF, below)

- confirm the decision-making and representation powers given to the Bureau members and the President in order to submit a possible application for a European cooperation project

- authorize reflection on a new project proposed by a Turkish member; this initiative would have the happy consequence (if the project is selected) of the certification of our association, which did not succeed in having its organizational capacities recognized when it presented a KA 220 project and whose simplified partnership designed last year, was unfortunately not accepted.

Decisions : all the proposals are adopted and the mandate given to the Bureau members in September, 2023 (to apply in the name of the ILARGIA League) is renewed

The 6th GA did confirm in 2023 our politics to enhance the operational capabilities of the League, the 7th GA will have to fix in 2024 some new orientations depending of the results of our third attempt (if the application is made in March as we are planing) to hold a Cooperative Project in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme.


(candidature déposée par la Ligue)


assisté notamment par les adhérents suivants

ZETEA R (secrétaire de la Ligue et co-animatrice du projet / Roumaine)

VINOGRADOVA O (Psychologue scolaire / Lettonne) pour ce qui concerne notamment l'individualisation des parcours

et DRIS M (cadre bénévole et senior / Française)

avec l'appui ponctuel, entre autres, du Trésorier de l'Association

et des administrateurs


(application submitted by the League)


assisted in particular by the following members

ZETEA R (Secretary of the League and co-facilitator of the project / Romanian citizen)

VINOGRADOVA O (School psychologist / Latvian citizen) with regard in particular to the individualization of courses

and DRIS M (volunteer and senior manager / French citizen)

with the occasional support, among others, of the Treasurer of the Association

and administrators

vendredi 19 janvier 2024


La dernière mouture  de notre revue datée de janvier 2024 est en ligne / click below in order to read the last fall of our ILARGIA MAGAZINE:

A mag created with Madmagz.

samedi 21 octobre 2023




The Administrators met on September 27 (physically for three of them: President P-L Vanderplancke, Secretary R Zetea and advisor M Giurgiman) in Antalya, on the sidelines of an ERASMUS+ study travel, to discuss organizational capacities of the League. The following took part in this meeting: in person, only one additional member, invited as an observer (S. Augé), the other people sitting on the Bureau and on the Board having been invited to take part in a videoconference.

A clarification appeared necessary after the failure of the Association's application as coordinator of the ACMÉ project. The non-selection of this project was motivated, according to the Erasmus+ Agency, by operational capacities wich seemed insufficient  - without even the form describing the work modules and the approach envisaged having , been read. The Bureau of ILARGIA league made a brainstorming about possible remedies.

We first wondered why the League appeared to be an actor lacking credibility. Although a webinar organized by the Agency placed great emphasis on the supposed weakness of the resources of secondary schools and their difficulty in carrying out partnerships within the framework of key action 2, we noted that most of the said cooperation actually selected and subsidized remained in fact projects coordinated by colleges or high schools.

We can therefore make some hypotheses:

we requested €250,000 which is perhaps too much for the first time as an NGO wishing to coordinate a transnational partnership (hypothesis 1) ?

we were candidates for management of the ACMÉ project, but the Agency would undoubtedly like the League to have first had the experience of participating as a simple partner in a project coordinated by a third party (hypothesis 2) ?


Les Adminstrateurs se sont réunis le 27 septembre (physiquement pour trois d'entre eux : le Président P-L Vanderplancke, la Secrétaire R Zetea et la conseillère M Giurgiuman) à Antalya, en marge d'un voyage d'étude ERASMUS+ pour discuter des capacités opérationnelles de la Ligue. A également pris part à cette réunion : en "présentiel", une seule personne supplémentaire, invitée en tant qu'observatrice (S. Augé) les autres collègues siégeant au Bureau et au CA ayant été conviés à suivre la conférence en ligne.

Une mise au point apparaissait nécessaire en effet après l'échec de la candidature de l'Association en tant que coordinatrice du projet ACMÉ. La non sélection de ce projet ayant été motivée, d'après l'Agence Erasmus+ par des capacités organisationnelles jugées insuffisantes a priori, sans même que le formulaire décrivant les modules de travail et la démarche envisagés n'ait, semble-t-il, été lu, le Bureau s'est interrogé sur les remèdes possibles.

On s'est d'abord demandé pour quels motifs la Ligue était apparue comme un acteur manquant de crédibilité. Quoiqu'un webinaire organisé par l'Agence ait insisté lordement sur la faiblesse supposée des ressources des écoles secondaires et sur leur difficulté à porter des partenariats dans le cadre de l'action-clef 2, nous avons constaté que la plupart des dites coopérations réellement sélectionnées et subventionnées restaient en fait des projets coordonnés par des collèges ou des lycées.

 Aussi peut-on faire quelques hypothèses : 

nous avions sollicité 250 000 € ce qui représente peut-être trop pour une première fois en tant qu'ONG désireuse de coordonner un partenariat transnational (hypothèse 1)

nous étions candidats à la direction du projet ACMÉ, or  l'Agence souhaiterait sans doute que la Ligue ait d'abord eu l'expérience d'une participation en tant que simple partenaire d'un projet coordonné par un tiers (hypothèse 2)


In order to verify the above circumstances, the Bureau decided:


Afin de verifier les conjonctures qui précèdent, le Bureau a décidé :

- to present in October 2023 an application for a project reduced in size (and reformatted on purpose) within the framework of simplified partnership projects (PPS.ACMÉ). This so-called "ALL CITIZENS" project takes up some of the objectives of the originally designed partnership, but adapts them to take into account an operation reduced to four partners (three high schools: in France, Poland and Turkey, and an international association). The requested budget is €60,000 which is a response to the objection represented by hypothesis 1. This application is shared and its content is made available to all members of the CA

- to reformulate in the summer of 2023 a new version of ACMÉ with all the prospective members / potential partners initially designated to be part of this project, at least in the event of failure of the PPS mentioned above. In this eventuality, the League would become one of the partners and international coordination would be assumed by one of the secondary establishments (in principle, the Ravel high school) which would remove the objection represented by hypothesis 2. This candidacy would also be an alternative in the event that the ALL CITIZEN application is not accepted for reasons other than the modest organizational capacities of the League (given that the Agency has communicated its intention to select a very reduced number of PPS).

- de présenter en octobre 2023 une candidature à un projet réduit en dimension (et reformaté tout exprès) dans le cadre des projets de partenariat simplifié (PPS.ACMÉ). Ce projet dit "ALL CITIZENS" reprend quelques uns des objectifs du partenariat originellement dessiné, mais les adapte pour tenir compte d'un fonctionnement réduit à quatre partenaires (trois lycées : en France, Pologne et Turquie, et une association internationale). Le budget demandé est de 60 000 € ce qui est une réponse à l'objection représentée par l'hypothèse 1. Cette candidature est partagée et son contenu est mis à disposition de tous les membres du CA.

- de reformuler à l'été 2023 une nouvelle version d'ACMÉ avec tous les membres pressentis / partenaires potentiels initialement désignés pour faire partie de ce projet, du moins en cas d'échec du PPS évoqué plus haut. Dans cette éventualité, la Ligue deviendrait l'un des partenaires et la coordination internationale serait assumée par un des établissements secondaires (en principe, le lycé Ravel) ce qui lèverait l'objection représentée par l'hypothèse 2. Cette candidature serait aussi une alternative au cas où la candidature ALL CITIZEN ne serait pas retenue pour d'autres raisons que les modestes capacités organisationnelles de la Ligue (étant donné que l'Agence a communiqué sur son intention de sélectioner un nombre très réduit de PPS).

Furthermore, if our grant request for a PPS is successful, the partners left out in the context of the reformatting will be invited to come together to create their own pact in 2024-2025 and will benefit from the expertise and support of the League if they decide to write an application or to joint a French initiative.

Par ailleurs, en cas de succès de notre demande de subvention pour un PPS, les partenaires laissés de côté dans le cadre du reformatage seront invités à se rapprocher pour créer leur propre pacte en 2024-2025 et bénéficieront de l'expertise et du soutien de la Ligue s'ils décident de rédiger une candidature ou de s'associer à un projet français.



During the fourteenth CA, the strategy defined by the Bureau with a view to applying for an ERASMUS+ partnership was unanimously accepted. The Directors note that it corresponds to the decisions approved by the last General Assembly (in Getaria in June). They support the ALL CITIZEN application without reservation and confirm the decisions taken in terms of management (administrative and educational, but also financial) and prepared during the thirteenth meeting of the CA (Cluj-Napoca, in April) the reformatting of the project not changing either the rates nor the organization chart already voted on.

The Treasurer mentions the recent recourse by the accountant of the Lycée Ravel to the intermediary of the League for the payment of flat-rate subsidies to beneficiaries of ERASMUS+ mobility as an example of the services provided by the association and likely to strengthen its operational credibility.


Lors du  quatorzième CA, la stratégie définie par le Bureau en vue de postuler à un partenariat ERASMUS+ est acceptée à l'unanimité. Les Administrateurs relèvent qu'elle correspond aux décisions approuvées par la dernière Assemblée Générale (à Getaria en juin). Ils soutiennent sans réserves la candidature ALL CITIZENS et confirment les décisions prises en termes de gestion (administrative et pédagogique, mais aussi financière) et préparées lors de la treizième réunion du CA (Cluj-Napoca, en avril) le reformatage du projet ne changeant ni les tarifs ni l'organigramme ou les principes déjà votés.

Le Trésorier mentionne le récent recours par le comptable du Lycée Ravel à l'intermédiaire de la Ligue pour le versement de subventions forfaitaires aux bénéficiaires de mobilités ERASMUS+ comme un exemple des services rendus par l'association et de nature à renforcer sa crédibilité opérationnelle.

vendredi 30 juin 2023


information about the last General Assembly and the list of Directors: see in REPORTS page (right column if you open the Blog in the Web mode)

POUR ADHÉRER OU RÉADHÉRER : adressez-vous au Trésorier ou payez et inscrivez-vous en ligne



Sixième assemblée générale, le 23 juin


vvBeginningsvv                            MORE DETAILS IN le site ILARGIE (link in the right column>>)

The meeting was implemented in the EGONDELA lecture room in Getaria, Gipuzcoa. Thanks to the city of Getaria and to Mrs I. Renteria, member of the "egunberritzeak" pedagogic network.

vvChecking of the quorumvv

Remind we need 12 members to be present or to join online: we are 17 people in the room (but one is not a member) and 11 mandates were given both to the secretary and the president  (it means 27 votes have been counted each time)

1. Moral report by the President

2. Financial report the Treasurer

3. Enhancement of the operational capabilities: change of the article 19 of the league's Rule in order to manage the funds the association may have to dispatch acting for a school or for itself in  the framework of granted activities (by the EU) / sum lumps and works time tables / mandate to the President)


To read the official report of the 6th GA: CLICK TO access to the dedicated PAGE

Quatrième colloque international, les 23 et 24 juin

FOURTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM the 23rd and the 24th of june


dimanche 30 avril 2023


The 13th Board Meeting was implemented on the 27th of April in Cluj, as a transnational mobility was made  in Romania by some of the Directors, in the framework of  a mobility just achieved by the ERASMUS+ partners joined in E+L.o.L. project.

Administrators present in Cluj were:


ZETEA (Secretary)

And Administrators taking part in remote mode (videoconference) were:

PUYJALON (Treasurer)

MARTINS (Director)

MEZINIECE (Director)



MAGDAU (Vice-President)

a rest at "Mozart Café" after the meeting

Guested as members of the LEAGUE




The goal was: to fix sum lumps in the perspective to use its for the financial management of future projects hed by the association (and especially in the case of some partnerships granted by the EU) and to strictly etablish the administrative organigramme of the ACMÉ project whose candidacy has been submitted by us to the French National Agency. Created in 2018 with the objective of becoming a project holder acting in autonomy, ILARGIA League remained in the past as a simple support to teachers and schools involved in some cooperative partnerships but (since COVID crisis was overcame and the EU claiming for an intersectoral approach) time seems to be came to attempt to accomplish the aim to transform in a transnational coordinator.


Erasmus+ Agency just sent us (the 27th of April, which is a total coincidence) a sollicitation to obtain more information about the analysis of our operatonal capabilities the entity is presumed to operate before our application to be transmtitted to examiners. We are asked to identify the ressources and to provide a copy of our staff's employment contract. As a voluntary structure employing no people, it seems all the more relevant to predict the compensation system we intend to apply. As in the past, it will be based on the lump sums defined by the ERASMUS+ program (with regard to the compensation of League members who are required to participate in a KA2 partnership in a tangible way), or even on the actual costs (with respect to the compensation of members of the League performing other onerous duties on behalf of the League).


I Organigramme was detailed but also the indemnities system (to be presented in the next GA and voted as a part of the ordinary financial report).

II Our 6th General Assembly will be implemented in Saint Jean de Luz the 23rd of June in order to renew part of the Administrators Board). President and Vice-president may be reelected for 2 years more.

III The President was mandated to engage the League's responsibility in the future process of conventionment if our KA2 project is accepted, after the ACMÉ candidacy was submitted by him to Erasmus+ French Agency since this action  had been authorized by the 5th GA. His ability to act as the executive actor (in  the name of the League) in the management of the ACMÉ partnership as international coordinator and main contact person representing the League is recognized by the article 12  interpretated by the 2nd GA (both the Treasurer and the Secretary acting as consultants). Concerning the payments to members of any grants given by the UE to support their management of the future partnerships: articles 19 and 19bis of the Rules (règlement intérieur) shall be applied.




L'initiative NOAH pour une coopération éducative européenne innovante

The strategy defined by Lycée Ravel's teachers (and by ILARGIA LEAGUE) to be beautiful, together and sustainable...

dimanche 15 janvier 2023


Our League is wishing all of you a happy new year and want its members enjoying innovative and beautiful partnerships. We hope the best for all members and friends in professional and social Lifes as in private sphere.

Our magazine: N°5 was edited since ILARGIA show must go on!

Magazine créé avec Madmagz.

SPECIAL NEW BAUHAUS, a strategy which makes E+A project to be rewarded by the EITA2022 prize : 

after the description of this action in n°4, find in n°5 a presentation of leads to reuse the same strategy in our future cooperative european projects


What is named the "NOAH initiative"?

L'initiative NOAH pour une coopération éducative européenne innovante

The strategy defined by Lycée Ravel's teachers (and by ILARGIA LEAGUE) to be beautiful, together and sustainable...